4 1/5 x 3/4 x 6 =


4 1/5 to 21/5
6 = 6/1

Multiply numerators and denominators.

21/5 * 3/4 * 6/1 = ? / 20

I did that but then I did

21/5 x 3/4 x 6/1 giving me 388/20. The answer is suppose to be 18 9/10. I don't understand how to get this answer. Thanks!

I get 378/20 which reduces to 18 9/10

Check your multiplication again.

To solve the equation 4 1/5 x 3/4 x 6, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions
Since 4 1/5 is a mixed number, we need to convert it to an improper fraction. To do this, we multiply the whole number (4) by the denominator (5) and add the numerator (1). This gives us: (4 * 5 + 1) / 5 = 21/5.

Step 2: Multiply the numerators
Multiply the numerators of all the fractions: 21/5 x 3/4 x 6 = (21 x 3 x 6) / (5 x 4).

Step 3: Multiply the denominators
Multiply the denominators of all the fractions: (5 x 4) = 20.

Step 4: Simplify (if possible)
If the numerator and denominator have any common factors, simplify the fraction. In this case, there are no common factors, so we leave it as it is.

Step 5: Multiply the resulting numbers
Multiply the resulting numbers: 21 x 3 x 6 = 378.

Step 6: Write the final answer
Write the final answer as a fraction: 378/20.

The result of the equation 4 1/5 x 3/4 x 6 is 378/20, which can also be simplified if necessary.