What happened to the native Americans after the Treaty of greenville

The natives gave up some of their land.

Check this site.


they got freedom

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After the signing of the Treaty of Greenville in 1795, which marked the end of the Northwest Indian War between Native American tribes and the United States, several significant events had consequences for Native Americans.

To understand what happened after the Treaty of Greenville, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the terms of the Treaty of Greenville: Begin by understanding the provisions and conditions set forth in the treaty. This research will give you a clearer picture of the situation following its signing.

2. Study a map: Look at a map of the affected regions prior to and after the treaty. This will help you visualize the territorial changes that occurred and how they might have impacted Native American tribes.

3. Analyze the impact on territorial claims: The Treaty of Greenville resulted in the cession of a significant portion of Native American lands to the United States. This affected Native American tribes, such as the Miami, Delaware, Shawnee, and other tribes who had been involved in the conflict. The loss of land and resources had profound consequences for their way of life and autonomy.

4. Assess the relocation of Native American tribes: Some Native American tribes were relocated to designated areas, such as reservations, as part of the treaty's provisions. Understanding where and how these relocations occurred will give you insights into the experiences of Native American communities.

5. Research other historical events: The Treaty of Greenville was part of a broader context of U.S. expansionism and policies towards Native Americans. Exploring other related events, such as the Indian Removal Act of 1830 or the various treaties signed during the 19th and 20th centuries, will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the effects on Native American tribes over time.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can gain a deeper understanding of what happened to Native Americans after the Treaty of Greenville and the complex historical forces that shaped their experiences.