Given: ray AD bisects <BAC

<DAC=3x, and <BAD=5x-24

Prove: x=12

its a proof and i need help


+24 on both sides to lave u with..


subtract 3x from both sides which then leaves u with..


divide both side by 2..
giving u..


To prove that x=12, we need to show that the measures of angles <DAC and <BAD satisfy the given conditions.

Given that ray AD bisects angle <BAC, it means that <DAB and <DAC are congruent. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

3x = 5x - 24

To solve this equation for x, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Subtract 3x from both sides of the equation:
3x - 3x = 5x - 3x - 24
0 = 2x - 24

Step 2: Add 24 to both sides of the equation:
0 + 24 = 2x - 24 + 24
24 = 2x

Step 3: Divide both sides of the equation by 2:
24/2 = (2x)/2
12 = x

Therefore, we have shown that x=12.