Directions use ma, mon, or mes

Rewrite each sentence correctly

4. ------ frere a quel age?
Answer: Mon frere est a vingt - neuf ans.

5. ---- soeur a quel age?
Answer: Ma soeur est a vingt - neuf ans.

6. Ou est ---- maison ou ----- appartement?
Answer: Ma maison est dans la rue Dennis

7. Tu aimes ------- cours de francais?
Answer: Mes cours de francais je ne aime pas.

8. ----- prof est sympa
Answer: Ma prof est ne sympa pas.

I'll do #4 so you are on the right track, and then you do #5 through #8 for me to check!

1. Mon frère a vingt-neuf ans. NOTE: Although the English is "My brother IS 29 years old." the French must be "My brother HAS 29 years!" With AGE, you must use AVOIR (j'ai, tu as, il/elle/on a, nous avons, vous avez, ils/elles ont) regardless of the English. That's called an IDIOM. That means "it's said that way, whether you like it or n ot!"

Sra (aka Mme)

QUICK REVIEW: HERE ARE all the Possessive Adjectives in French:

mon, ma, mes
ton, ta, tes
son, sa, ses
notre, nos
votre, vos
leur, leurs

The only other "little" thing I haven't told you is "With parts of the BODY,(and articles of clothing), the possessive adjective is frequently replaced by the definite article if the possessor is clear.
Je me suis coupé LE doigt. = I cut my finger. It's obvious it is MY finger and no one elses.
Il a un livre sous LE bras. = He has a book under HIS arm.

Sra (aka Mme)

4. Quel âge a mon frère?

Answer: Mon frère a vingt-neuf ans.

To answer this question, first identify the possessive pronoun used in the original sentence, which is "mon" (my). Then, identify the noun that follows, in this case, "frère" (brother). Finally, construct the sentence with the possessive pronoun and the appropriate verb tense, such as "Mon frère a vingt-neuf ans."

5. Quel âge a ma sœur?
Answer: Ma sœur a vingt-neuf ans.

To answer this question, follow the same steps as in the previous example. Identify the possessive pronoun, which is "ma" (my), and the noun that follows, which is "sœur" (sister). Then, construct the sentence using the possessive pronoun and the appropriate verb tense, such as "Ma sœur a vingt-neuf ans."

6. Où est ma maison ou mon appartement?
Answer: Ma maison est dans la rue Dennis.

To answer this question, determine which possessive pronoun to use based on the noun following it. In this case, "maison" (house) is a feminine noun, so the possessive pronoun to use is "ma" (my). Similarly, "appartement" (apartment) is a masculine noun, so the possessive pronoun to use is "mon" (my). Finally, construct the sentence using the appropriate possessive pronoun and the location, such as "Ma maison est dans la rue Dennis."

7. Tu aimes mes cours de français?
Answer: Je n'aime pas mes cours de français.

To answer this question, identify the possessive pronoun used in the original sentence, which is "mes" (my). Then, construct the sentence with the negative form of the verb "aimer" (to like), such as "Je n'aime pas mes cours de français."

8. Ton prof est sympa.
Answer: Ma prof n'est pas sympa.

To answer this question, replace the possessive pronoun "ton" (your) with the correct possessive pronoun "ma" (my). Then, construct the sentence with the negative form of the verb "être" (to be), such as "Ma prof n'est pas sympa" (My teacher is not nice).