what led to civil war in rome?

is it due to the Triumvirate

and the Republic Strikes.

Yes -- but I'm sure your teacher wants more information than that. What did the triumvirate do? Why were there strikes in the republic?

oo ok thanks for helping MS. Sue

You're welcome.

The Roman Civil War refers to a series of armed conflicts and power struggles that took place within the Roman Republic between the years 88 BC and 31 BC. Several factors contributed to the outbreak of the civil war in Rome. Here's an overview of the main causes:

1. Social and Economic Struggles: Rome was undergoing significant social and economic changes during this period. The wealthy patrician class held most of the power and wealth, while the plebeians (common people) faced increasing poverty and debt. This wealth disparity created tensions and led to social unrest.

2. Political Ambitions and Power Struggles: Ambitious politicians and military leaders sought to amass power and influence for their own gain. This led to intense rivalry and competition among prominent figures, such as Gaius Marius, Lucius Cornelius Sulla, and Julius Caesar, who all sought to pursue their political ambitions.

3. Conflict between Populares and Optimates: The political landscape in Rome was divided between two factions: the Populares and the Optimates. The Populares were politicians who aimed to champion the rights and interests of the plebeians, while the Optimates represented the traditional, conservative aristocracy. The competing ideologies of these factions exacerbated political tensions and led to armed conflict.

4. Military Disputes and Rebellion: Rome's military played a significant role in the civil war. Generals and armies stationed abroad often defied the authority of the Roman Senate and pursued their own agendas. These military commanders, including Sulla and Caesar, played major roles in driving the conflict forward.

It is important to note that the causes and events leading to the Roman Civil War are complex and span several decades. Therefore, this explanation only highlights some of the key factors. Further study and analysis of this historical period will provide a more in-depth understanding of the Roman Civil War.