why was ceasar assasinated? by whom?

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Be sure you spell his name right:

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BCE by a group of Roman senators led by Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus. The assassination was motivated by a number of factors.

Caesar had become immensely popular and had acquired unprecedented power as the dictator of Rome. This, combined with his reforms and policies, made some senators fear that he was becoming too powerful and might even overthrow the Roman Republic itself.

Furthermore, Caesar had declared himself "dictator perpetuo," meaning dictator for life, which went against the traditional Roman values of limited terms for power. This move further enhanced the fears of some senators.

To understand why Caesar was assassinated, it's important to be familiar with the political situation in Rome at the time. The Roman Republic was undergoing a period of instability and political turmoil. Different factions within the Senate vied for power, and there was a conflict between the "optimates" (aristocratic elites) and the populares (supporters of the people). Caesar belonged to the populares, and his rise to power threatened the position of the optimates.

To carry out the assassination, Brutus, Cassius, and their co-conspirators believed that they were acting in the best interests of the Roman Republic. They saw Caesar's rule as a threat to the traditional republican values and the power of the Senate.

To learn more about the motives and events leading to Caesar's assassination, you can refer to historical accounts, such as the works of Roman historians like Suetonius, Plutarch, and Appian. These authors provide detailed explanations based on their research and records from that time period.