who was against jacksons indian removal act (like what groups of people or states) besides the indians themselves?

This site has a list of groups who opposed this act -- with links to more information about these people and groups. Note that Davy Crocket was one of the individuals who were against it.


The Indian Removal Act, signed into law by President Andrew Jackson, was met with both support and opposition. Besides the Native American tribes affected by the Act, there were several groups of people and states that opposed it. Here are some of the key opponents:

1. Whig Party: The Whig Party was a political party that emerged in the 1830s. They opposed the Indian Removal Act, criticizing it as unethical and inhumane. Whigs argued that Native Americans had rights to their ancestral lands and should be allowed to stay.

2. Some Northern Democrats: While the Democratic Party generally supported Jackson's policies, there were some Northern Democrats who disagreed with the forced removal of Native Americans. They were more sympathetic toward the rights of Native Americans and didn't support their forced relocation.

3. Supreme Court: The Supreme Court had mixed opinions on the issue. In the famous case Worcester v. Georgia (1832), Chief Justice John Marshall declared that the Indian tribes were separate nations and possessed certain inherent rights. He argued that states could not enforce their laws on Native American lands. Jackson, however, controversially disagreed with the ruling and carried on with the removal policy.

4. Humanitarian Organizations: Various humanitarian organizations, both religious and secular, protested the Indian Removal Act. Groups like the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions and the American Anti-Slavery Society condemned the forced relocation, advocating for Native American rights and preservation of their land.

It is important to note that opposition to the Indian Removal Act was not universally shared, and some states, political figures, and organizations supported the Act or remained indifferent to it. It is also worth mentioning that despite the challenges faced by the opposition, the Indian Removal Act was implemented, resulting in the forced relocation of thousands of Native Americans and the tragic Trail of Tears.