what percentile score is equivalent to the lower quartile?

is it .25.

No. It depends on the mean, and the standard deviation. 1/4 of the scores are in the lower quartile.

ok i got that. but here i just have been asked that. like i have not being given any mean or asked to solve one. what do i do?

To determine the percentile score equivalent to the lower quartile, you need to first understand how quartiles work. Quartiles divide a dataset into four equal parts. The lower quartile, also known as the first quartile, represents the 25th percentile.

To find the percentile score equivalent to the lower quartile:
1. Sort the dataset in ascending order from lowest to highest.
2. Calculate the position of the lower quartile using the formula: (n + 1) / 4, where n represents the total number of data points.
3. If the position of the lower quartile is an integer, the percentile score will be the value at that position. For example, if the position is 6, the percentile score will be the 6th value in the sorted dataset.
4. If the position is not an integer, round it up to the nearest whole number. The percentile score will then be the value at the rounded position. For example, if the position is 6.2, round it up to 7, and the percentile score will be the 7th value in the sorted dataset.

Therefore, the percentile score equivalent to the lower quartile is not exactly 0.25 but rather the value at the calculated position based on the steps mentioned above.