What are all of the Constonant Blends?

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Consonant blends are combinations of two or three consonant sounds that appear together in a word, with each sound retaining its individual identity. Here are some examples of consonant blends:

1. Bl: block, black, bleed
2. Br: brave, brush, brick
3. Cl: clap, clean, cloud
4. Cr: crab, cry, cross
5. Dr: drip, drum, dress
6. Fl: flag, fly, flip
7. Fr: fry, frog, fruit
8. Gl: glad, glass, glove
9. Gr: green, grow, great
10. Pl: plan, play, plus
11. Pr: press, proud, print
12. Sc: scar, scan, scoop
13. Sk: skip, ski, skull
14. Sl: slow, sleep, slide
15. Sm: small, smell, smile
16. Sn: snack, sniff, snow
17. Sp: spot, spin, splash
18. St: stop, stick, study
19. Sw: swim, swing, sweet
20. Tr: trap, tree, trip

These are just a few examples, and there are many more consonant blends that exist in the English language.

Consonant blends, also known as consonant clusters, are made up of two or three consonant sounds that appear together in words. They can be found at the beginning or end of words. Here are some examples of common consonant blends:

1. Bl- (as in "black")
2. Br- (as in "brown")
3. Cl- (as in "clap")
4. Cr- (as in "crab")
5. Dr- (as in "drive")
6. Fl- (as in "flower")
7. Fr- (as in "frog")
8. Gl- (as in "glass")
9. Gr- (as in "green")
10. Pl- (as in "plane")
11. Pr- (as in "pride")
12. Sc- (as in "school")
13. Sk- (as in "sky")
14. Sl- (as in "sleep")
15. Sm- (as in "smile")
16. Sn- (as in "snail")
17. Sp- (as in "spoon")
18. St- (as in "stop")
19. Sw- (as in "swim")
20. Tr- (as in "tree")

To find more examples of consonant blends, you can look at words that start with a consonant followed by another consonant or a consonant at the end of a word followed by another consonant. Reading books, practicing phonics exercises, and using online resources can help you to identify and learn more about consonant blends.