If a cube with edges of 1.000 cm weighs 25.68 g, what would the mass of a cube

of the same material with sides 2.63 cm in length be?

the ratio of volumes is the cube of the length ratio:

(2.63)^3 = 18.19
18.19 * 25.68 = 467.2 g

Damon has worked this problem as a math problem. If you wish to look at it from a chemistry perspective (that's the title of your post); calculate density of the first one.

volume = 1 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm = 1 cc.
density = mass/volume = 25.68/1 cc = 25.68 g/cc.

Second cube.
volume = 2.63cm x 2.63 cm x 2.63 cm = 18.19 cc
mass = volume x density = 18.19 g x 25.68 g/cc = 467.2 grams.
By the way, there aren't many things with a density of 26 g/cc.

DrBob makes an interesting point: "By the way, there aren't many things with a density of 26 g/cc."

The two densest things I could find were uranium (18.9 g/cc and plutonium (19.8 g/cc)

I hope you aren't planning to make a bomb.

To find the mass of a cube of the same material with sides 2.63 cm in length, we can use the concept of density. The density of a material is defined as the mass per unit volume.

First, let's calculate the volume of the original cube. Since it is a cube, the volume is given by the formula:

Volume = (side length)^3

Substituting the given side length of 1.000 cm into the formula, we get:

Volume = (1.000 cm)^3 = 1.000 cm^3

Now, we need to find the density of the material. The density is given by the formula:

Density = Mass / Volume

Substituting the given mass of 25.68 g and the calculated volume of 1.000 cm^3, we get:

Density = 25.68 g / 1.000 cm^3 = 25.68 g/cm^3

Now, let's calculate the mass of the cube with sides 2.63 cm in length. We can use the same density value obtained earlier and the formula:

Mass = Density x Volume

Substituting the density of 25.68 g/cm^3 and the volume calculated using the new side length of 2.63 cm, we get:

Mass = 25.68 g/cm^3 x (2.63 cm)^3

Evaluating the expression, we find:

Mass ≈ 25.68 g/cm^3 x 18.03 cm^3 ≈ 463.25 g

Therefore, the mass of a cube of the same material with sides 2.63 cm in length would be approximately 463.25 grams.