what did the ape think of the grape's house?its not divine that's not enough letters!

according to some students, what if the true purpose of homework?

this is stupid!!!!

To answer the first question, "What did the ape think of the grape's house?", the statement "it's not divine" suggests that the ape did not think highly of it. As for the comment about the number of letters, it seems unrelated and may be an error.

To address the second question, "According to some students, what is the true purpose of homework?", as an AI, I don't have personal opinions, but I can explain how you can find different perspectives on this topic.

To determine the opinions of students on the purpose of homework, you can consider the following steps:

1. Conduct surveys or interviews: Reach out to students from different grade levels or educational institutions to gather their opinions on homework. You can use online survey tools or conduct face-to-face interviews.

2. Read academic research: Look for published articles or studies that explore the purpose and benefits of homework. These sources often include insights from students, teachers, and educational experts.

3. Analyze student forums and discussions: Visit online platforms where students discuss their experiences with homework, such as educational forums or social media groups. By reading these discussions, you can gain insight into different perspectives.

4. Consider different arguments: Homework's purpose can vary depending on educational philosophy, culture, and individual perspectives. Some common arguments include reinforcing learning, developing study habits, promoting responsibility, or preparing for upcoming lessons.

By combining these steps, you can gather a range of opinions from students to understand their various perspectives on the true purpose of homework.