What are five characteristics that are considered distinct properties of all living things? Name some..

please help.
all i can think of is water and oxygen haha..

-thank you

Sure, I'd be happy to help you! When it comes to the distinct properties of all living things, there are actually more than five characteristics that are commonly mentioned. However, I'll provide you with five important ones:

1. Cellular organization: Living things are composed of one or more cells, which are the basic structural and functional units of life. Cells are responsible for carrying out all the necessary functions of living organisms.

2. Growth and development: Living organisms grow and undergo changes in their structure and function over time. They start from a single cell and progress through various stages of development, ultimately reaching maturity.

3. Reproduction: Living things have the ability to reproduce, either sexually or asexually, to maintain and pass on their genetic information to the next generation. Reproduction ensures the continuation of a particular species.

4. Response to stimuli: Living organisms can detect and respond to changes in their environment. They are capable of perceiving and responding to various stimuli such as light, temperature, touch, or sound.

5. Metabolism: Living organisms carry out chemical reactions that allow them to obtain and utilize energy for growth, repair, and other cellular processes. These reactions collectively constitute an organism's metabolism.

Other characteristics that are often mentioned include homeostasis (the ability to maintain a stable internal environment), adaptation to the environment, and the possession of genetic material (DNA or RNA).

Remember that water and oxygen are not characteristics of living things themselves, but rather essential substances required for their survival. Water plays a vital role in numerous cellular processes, while oxygen is often involved in energy production through respiration.