A researcher asked people leaving a Willie Nelson concert what kind of music they liked to listen to. She then concluded that 83% of the population liked to listen to country music. What is wrong with this researcher's conclusion?please explain

What kind of music do you think that people who have attended a country music councert like?

Would a jazz or opera or classical or opera fan be likely to go to a Nelson concert?

i know they like country music but my question is i cant find anything wrong on this problem thou...

But the crowd coming from the country music concert does not represent the "population." It just measures the population of those who like Willie Nelson and country music.

The researcher's conclusion may not be accurate due to a potential sampling bias. The researcher only surveyed people leaving a Willie Nelson concert, which implies that the sample consists mostly (if not entirely) of attendees of that specific concert. This sample is not representative of the entire population, as it is likely to be biased towards fans of Willie Nelson or country music in general.

To get an accurate conclusion, the researcher should have used a more diverse sampling method. For instance, the researcher could have surveyed a random sample of individuals from different locations, age groups, and musical preferences. This would provide a more representative cross-section of the population and help ensure that the findings can be generalized to the broader population.

Therefore, the flaw in the researcher's conclusion is that it makes assumptions about the entire population's preferences based on a specific group's preferences, leading to potential inaccuracies and bias in the results.