Please check my answer thanks :)

Which one of the following obstacles may be part of a Jumpers Class?

A. A-frames
B. Weave poles

C. Seesaws

D. Dog walks

My answer is B

To check if your answer is correct, let's review the options and see which one of them may be part of a Jumpers Class in dog agility.

A. A-frames: A-frames are typically part of the Agility Class, not the Jumpers Class. They consist of a large triangular-shaped frame over which a dog must climb and descend on both sides.

B. Weave poles: Yes, you are correct! Weave poles are commonly present in the Jumpers Class. Dogs must navigate through a series of upright poles placed close together in a zigzag pattern.

C. Seesaws: Seesaws are not part of the Jumpers Class but are commonly seen in the Agility Class. Dogs have to walk up and down a seesaw-like structure that teeters on a pivot point.

D. Dog walks: Dog walks are also usually part of the Agility Class, not the Jumpers Class. They are long narrow platforms elevated off the ground that dogs must traverse from one end to the other.

Based on this information, your answer of B. Weave poles is correct! Well done!