you buy a bottle of juice for $1.00. The juice costs 90 cents more than the empty bottle. How much does the empty bottle cost? The answer is not 10 cents.

Say the bottle costs x cents then cost of just the juice will be x + 90. Together the cost of the juice in a bottle is 2x + 90 = 100. Therefore the cost of the empty bottle is 5 cents.

If the cost of the juice is $.90, that is not part of x. I don't know how you get 2x for your formula. Your logic seems faulty. Can you explain?

With the information you have provided, I cannot see why the "answer is not 10 cents."

Sorry that I cannot help more. Thanks for asking.


This is all I was provided. I don't get it either.

the answer is 5 cents because if you look at a bottle, it says 5 cents -.-' its a tricky question

To find out how much the empty bottle costs, we need to solve the given information. Let's go step by step:

Let's assume the cost of the empty bottle is 'x' cents.

According to the information given, the juice costs 90 cents more than the empty bottle. So, the cost of the juice is 'x + 90' cents.

The total cost of the juice and the empty bottle is $1.00, which is equal to 100 cents. Therefore, we can create the following equation:

x + (x + 90) = 100

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of 'x', which represents the cost of the empty bottle.

Combining like terms, we have:

2x + 90 = 100

Subtracting 90 from both sides of the equation:

2x = 10

Dividing both sides by 2:

x = 5

So, the empty bottle costs 5 cents.

Therefore, the answer is not 10 cents, but the empty bottle costs 5 cents.