Please check my answer thanks :)

An individual SAR team's mission is to

A. clear the area and search for clues.
B. camp out in the woods.

C. help other teams.

D. find the missing person.

I said C

When I was in charge of SAR teams, our mission was D, and it was paramount. Everything else didn't count.

Actually, the answer to this question is A. An individual team, such as one person and its dog, must clear the area and search through what might be hundreds of clues. However, as a TEAM the goal is the find the missing person.

To check if your answer is correct, let's analyze each option:

A. Clear the area and search for clues: This option is describing a task related to gathering information and evidence at a scene, rather than taking part in a search and rescue operation.

B. Camp out in the woods: This option suggests that the SAR team would set up a campsite in the woods, which is not the main purpose of a search and rescue mission.

C. Help other teams: This option implies that the SAR team's mission is to assist other teams involved in the search and rescue operation. This is a possibility, as SAR teams often collaborate and support one another during a search.

D. Find the missing person: This option accurately describes the primary objective of a search and rescue mission. The primary goal is to locate and rescue the missing person(s).

Considering the options, it seems that your answer of C – Help other teams, may be incorrect. The correct answer is D – Find the missing person, as this aligns with the main objective of a SAR team's mission.