how many electrons are shared by two atoms that form a triple bond?

six. three from each atom.


In order to determine the number of electrons shared by two atoms that form a triple bond, we need to understand the concept of a covalent bond and the bonding capabilities of the atoms involved.

Covalent bonding occurs when atoms share electrons to achieve a more stable electron configuration. Each atom in a covalent bond contributes one or more electrons to form a shared pair of electrons, often referred to as a bonding pair.

A triple bond consists of one sigma (σ) bond and two pi (π) bonds. The sigma bond is the primary bond formed by overlapping orbitals directly between the two bonding atoms. It consists of two shared electrons (one from each atom). The two pi bonds are formed due to the sideways overlap of p-orbitals, resulting in the sharing of two electrons (one in each pi bond).

To summarize, in a triple bond, two atoms share a total of six electrons: one sigma bond contributes two electrons, and two pi bonds contribute two electrons each. So the answer is six electrons.