I was wondering where I could find any information on Which stakes may not be conducted on horse back Thanks very much for your help

To find information on which stakes may not be conducted on horseback, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching on the internet. Open a search engine like Google or Bing.

2. In the search bar, enter the keywords "stakes not conducted on horseback." Enclose the phrase in quotation marks to search for the exact phrase.

3. Review the search results. The top results are usually the most relevant and reliable sources.

4. Look for reputable websites such as official horse racing organizations, regulatory bodies, or trusted sports websites. These sources are likely to provide accurate and up-to-date information.

5. Click on the search results that seem to be relevant to your query. Look for articles, forum discussions, or rulebooks that may mention stakes not conducted on horseback.

6. Read through the information provided in the sources you select. Pay attention to specific rules, regulations, or guidelines related to horse racing stakes. Look for any mention of stakes that are restricted to particular modes of transportation.

7. Take notes or save bookmarks of any relevant information you come across. This will help you remember the details and refer back to the sources later if needed.

8. If necessary, repeat the search using different keywords or variations to explore different angles or perspectives.

Remember, it's always important to verify the information from multiple reputable sources to ensure its accuracy.