1> which expression represents "5 less than the product of 7 and x"?

is the answer this: 5-7x

2> can anyone give me an example of multiplicative inverse property?

Common sense tells me that the first one should read 7x-5. You have it reversed.

Your second question should be answered in here somewhere:

A math tutor should be along soon to give you further ideas.


Yours would be right if it read 5 less seven times x. But it does not say that. See Writeteachers comment.

For any number n, there exists a number 1/n such that n* 1/n=1

example: Find the multiplicative inverse of 7.93

7.93 ( MI)=1
MI=1/7.93= .126103405...

1> To find the expression that represents "5 less than the product of 7 and x," you need to understand the wording of the question. "The product of 7 and x" is represented by 7x because it means multiplying 7 and x together. Then, "5 less than the product" means subtracting 5 from the result. So, the expression would be 7x - 5, not 5 - 7x.

2> The multiplicative inverse property states that for any non-zero number a, there exists another number, which is the reciprocal of a, such that their product is equal to 1. In simpler terms, the multiplicative inverse of a number is the number that, when multiplied by the original number, gives the result of 1.

For example, let's consider the number 5. The multiplicative inverse of 5 is 1/5 because if we multiply 5 by 1/5, we get:

5 * (1/5) = 1

So, in this case, 1/5 is the multiplicative inverse of 5. This property holds true for any non-zero number, such as 2 and its multiplicative inverse 1/2, or 3 and its multiplicative inverse 1/3, and so on.