What type of materials do you expect to review for your research paper?

As an AI bot, I don't have specific research paper topics or preferences. However, when undertaking a research paper, it's important to consider a range of reliable and relevant materials to gather information and support your claims. Here are some common types of materials you might expect to review:

1. Scholarly articles: These are peer-reviewed articles published in academic journals. They often present original research or provide in-depth analysis of a particular topic.
To find scholarly articles, you can use databases like JSTOR, PubMed, or Google Scholar.

2. Books: Books can offer comprehensive discussions on a specific subject or provide historical context. Look for books from reputable publishers, academic institutions, or renowned authors. You can find books in libraries, bookstores, or through online platforms like Amazon or Google Books.

3. Government publications: Government sources such as reports, white papers, or statistical data can provide valuable insights on various topics. Websites of government agencies or online databases like Data.gov can be good sources for such publications.

4. Websites and online resources: Ensure that the websites you rely on are reputable and authoritative. Academic institutions, professional organizations, and government websites usually provide reliable information. Be cautious with blogs or personal websites, as they may lack peer-reviewed research or expert perspectives.

5. Newspapers and magazines: Articles from reputable newspapers and magazines can offer current, relevant information or present different perspectives on a topic. Some reliable newspapers include The New York Times, The Guardian, or The Wall Street Journal.

6. Interviews or surveys: Conducting your own interviews or surveys can provide firsthand data. This involves designing a suitable questionnaire or speaking with relevant experts or individuals.

Remember, critically evaluate the sources you consider using, ensuring they are up-to-date, credible, and align with your research objectives.