Ser or Estar use correct form

1. Yo estoy de Claifronia

2. Nosotros estamos estudiant de VP

3. Tu y tus amigos eres simpaticicos e inteligentes

4. Hoy yo _____ un poco nerviosa por la prueba.

5. Ayer es Domingo

6. Ella no _____estadoundidenses. ____ingeles

7. Las Chica eres bonita

8 El libro estar encima de la mesa

1. soy

5.fue , era ??

In #2 be sure to make estudiantes plural because it says "We are students."

#5 is could be "fue" or "era" depending upon what the speaker has in mind. Besides you need to know if "Domingo" is a boy or merely a day of the week!

#6 has a problem because "Ella" is singular, so it must be "estudiante" and inglesa. It is probably meant to say:"she is not NorthAmerican, but English. = Ella no es estadounidense sino inglesa = as ONE sentence, but with the period = Es inglesa.

#7 It must be either "La chica" or "Las chicas" Because ONLY Las is plural, I suspect it must say: "La chica es es bonita." Here is where number (everything must be plural or singula) and gender (everything must be feminine or masculine) are important.

#8 El libro está (both are wrong wthout the accent mark) encima de la mesa.

1. The correct form is: Yo estoy en California. To form a sentence using "estar," you should follow this formula: subject + estar + location. In this case, the subject "yo" is followed by the correct form of "estar," which is "estoy," and then the location "en California."

2. The correct form is: Nosotros estamos estudiando en VP. To form a sentence using "estar," you should follow this formula: subject + estar + gerund + location. In this case, the subject "nosotros" is followed by the correct form of "estar," which is "estamos," then the gerund form of the verb "estudiar," which is "estudiando," and finally the location "en VP."

3. The correct form is: Tú y tus amigos son simpáticos e inteligentes. In this case, you are describing the qualities of "tú y tus amigos," so you should use the verb "ser." The correct form of "ser" in the present tense with "tú" is "eres," and when referring to a group, such as "tú y tus amigos," you should use the plural form "son."

4. The correct form is: Hoy yo estoy un poco nerviosa por la prueba. To describe temporary states or conditions, such as feeling nervous, use the verb "estar." In this case, you would use the correct form of "estar," which is "estoy," followed by the description "un poco nerviosa," and finally the reason "por la prueba."

5. The correct form is: Ayer fue domingo. The verb "ser" is used to indicate the day of the week or a specific date. In this case, "ayer" (which means yesterday) is followed by the correct form of "ser" in the past tense, which is "fue," and then the day of the week "domingo."

6. The correct forms are: Ella no es estadounidense. Son inglesas. To describe someone's nationality, use the verb "ser." In this case, "ella" is not a plural subject, so the correct form of "ser" is "es." Then, to describe the nationality of "ella" as not being American, you would use "no es estadounidense." Finally, instead of using the verb "estar" for the nationality of multiple females, you should use "son" followed by "inglesas" to indicate they are English.

7. The correct form is: Las chicas son bonitas. When describing a group of females, such as "Las chicas" (the girls), you should use the verb "ser." The correct form of "ser" in this case is "son," followed by the adjective "bonitas" to describe their appearance.

8. The correct form is: El libro está encima de la mesa. To describe the location of something using "estar," you should follow this formula: subject + estar + location. In this case, the subject "el libro" is followed by the correct form of "estar," which is "está," and then the location "encima de la mesa."