i need help comparing and contrasting the architectural details of the Early Christian basilica with those of the Gothic Cathedral.


These sites have a wealth of information.






The primary distinction shows up in the arches:


What other differences do you see?

Please post what you think, and someone here will happy to comment.

i will take time to look through these. thnks alot

To compare and contrast the architectural details of the Early Christian basilica with those of the Gothic Cathedral, you can follow these steps:

1. Information Gathering:
- Start by researching and gathering information about the Early Christian basilica and the Gothic Cathedral. Look for reliable sources such as books, scholarly articles, or reputable websites specializing in architectural history.
- Focus on understanding the key features and elements of each architectural style, including their common characteristics and differences.

2. Create a Chart:
- Open a blank document or create a chart using a spreadsheet program.
- Divide the chart into columns, with one column for the Early Christian basilica and another for the Gothic Cathedral.
- Include rows for various architectural details, such as floor plan, façade, nave, transept, apse, columns, arches, windows, and decorative elements.

3. Compare and Contrast Details:
- Begin filling in the chart by comparing and contrasting each architectural detail between the Early Christian basilica and the Gothic Cathedral.
- For example, under the "Floor Plan" row, you could note that the Early Christian basilica typically had a basilican plan with a longitudinal axis and a central nave, while the Gothic Cathedral had a more intricate cruciform plan with a central nave and transept arms extending perpendicularly.
- Continue filling in the chart with specific details for each architectural feature.

4. Analyze and Summarize:
- Once you have filled in the chart with relevant information, take a step back and analyze the patterns and differences observed.
- Look for overarching themes or major differences that emerge from the comparison, such as the use of verticality in the Gothic Cathedral compared to the horizontality of Early Christian basilicas, or the introduction of stained glass windows in the Gothic period.

5. Write a Comparison Essay:
- Based on the analysis of your chart, you can now write a structured comparison essay.
- Start with an introduction that provides context for the Early Christian basilica and the Gothic Cathedral, including their historical and cultural backgrounds.
- Begin each paragraph of the body with a specific architectural detail, discussing it in relation to both styles and highlighting the similarities and differences.
- Use the information you gathered in your chart to support your statements and provide evidence for each point.
- Conclude by summarizing the key similarities and differences identified.

Remember, while the steps above provide a general framework, adapting them to your own research and writing process is essential. Additionally, ensure that you properly cite your sources to avoid plagiarism in your essay.