I have to do an oral report and i have never realy written one before so how should i start off, like should I say my name or talk about the topic ...?

Thanks: Leslie

In a classroom oral report, giving your name is not necessary. The other students and your teacher know who you are.

Start with an interesting fact or anecdote about your subject. Then tie that in with your subject.

Thank you so much :)

You're very welcome! I hope you get an A.

When starting an oral report, it's important to capture your audience's attention right away. Here's a suggested approach to start off your report:

1. Greet your audience: Begin by greeting your audience and establishing a positive and engaging tone. You can simply say, "Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone!" or "Thank you all for being here today!"

2. Introduce yourself: After the initial greeting, it's a good idea to briefly introduce yourself. State your name and provide any relevant background or credentials that establish your authority on the topic. For example, "My name is Leslie, and I've been researching [topic] for the past few weeks/months as part of my [class/program/course]."

3. Establish the importance of the topic: Next, you can introduce the significance or relevance of the topic you will be discussing. Explain why it's important for your audience to listen or learn about this particular subject. This could be done by highlighting any major current events, real-life examples, or personal experiences that make the topic relevant and interesting.

Remember, the opening of your oral report is crucial as it sets the stage for the rest of your presentation. It should grab attention, introduce yourself, and establish the importance of the topic in a concise and captivating manner.