What part of the vertebrae provides an articulation point for the ribs?


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The part of the vertebrae that provides an articulation point for the ribs is called the costal facet. To find this answer, you can refer to an anatomy textbook or use an online resource specifically related to anatomy.

Here are the steps you can take to find the answer using an online resource:
1. Open a search engine like Google.
2. Enter a search query like "vertebrae and ribs articulation point" or "costal facet in vertebrae."
3. Look for reputable sources such as educational websites, university websites, or medical publications that discuss the topic.
4. Select a source that provides reliable information on the anatomy of the vertebrae and the relation to rib articulation.
5. Read through the content to find the specific information about the part of the vertebrae that articulates with the ribs.
6. Look for terms like "costal facet" or "rib articulation" to locate the answer.
7. Make sure to validate the information by checking multiple sources and verifying if they all state the same answer.

Remember, it's always good to consult reputable resources or consult a medical professional for accurate and reliable information about anatomical structures.