63x^2 - 42x + 700 completely

all I see is a common factor of 7

63x^2 - 42x + 700
= 7(9x^2 - 6x + 100)

(if I were to solve 9x^2 - 6x + 100 = 0 , I would get imaginary roots, so the 9x^2 - 6x + 100 cannot factor using rational numbers)

How can I write this as an algebraic expression: twice as old as Max's age a, less three years.


If I skateboard 5 blocks west and 8blocks norrth to get to my friends house and a block is 1?8 mile in length. How far do I travel to my friend's house round trip?

please post these under new questions. Also, indicate your thinking or work.

If I skateboard 5 blocks west and 8blocks norrth to get to my friends house and a block is 1/8 mile in length. How far do I travel to my friend's house round trip?

Joy, what part of my note do you not understand?

The math problem is I skateboar 5blocks west and 8 miles north to get to my friend's house, Each block is 1/8 mile in length. Howfar does it take me to travel in a round trip to my friend's house in miles?

Joy, up at the top of the page click on "post a new question". If you post it under another one the teachers will likely miss it.

Bob will not answer your question unless you try first and show exactly what your difficulty is.

To completely factor the expression 63x^2 - 42x + 700, we can follow these steps:

1. Look for common factors, if any. In this case, there are no common factors among the coefficients (63, -42, 700) or the variable x.

2. Check if the trinomial can be factored using the quadratic formula. The quadratic formula is given by:

x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a

For the given expression, a = 63, b = -42, and c = 700. Let's substitute these values into the quadratic formula:

x = (-(-42) ± √((-42)^2 - 4(63)(700))) / (2(63))
= (42 ± √(1764 - 176400)) / 126
= (42 ± √(-174636)) / 126

Since the value under the square root (√(-174636)) is negative, we can conclude that the quadratic cannot be factored using real numbers. Therefore, we move on to the next step.

3. If factoring is not possible using real numbers, we can use a method called completing the square. However, in this case, completing the square is also not applicable due to the negative discriminant.

4. Finally, since factoring is not possible using real numbers, we can consider the expression as completely factored in its quadratic form:

63x^2 - 42x + 700

Therefore, the completely factored expression is: 63x^2 - 42x + 700