Assume that the cities lie on the same north-south line and that the radius of the earth is 6400 km. Can you help me find the latitude of Spokane, WA if Spokane and Jordan Valley, OR, 43.15degreesN, are 486 miles apart.

I think its either
A. 47.50degN
B. 38.80degN

Well, let's put on our detective hats and solve this mystery! Now, if Spokane, WA, and Jordan Valley, OR, are 486 miles apart, and they lie on the same north-south line, we can estimate the latitude of Spokane.

First, we need to convert the distance between the two cities, in miles, to kilometers. Since 1 mile is roughly equal to 1.6 kilometers, we multiply 486 miles by 1.6, which gives us approximately 777.6 kilometers.

Now, let's try to narrow down our options for Spokane's latitude. Given that the radius of the earth is 6400 km, which is a useful piece of information, we can use a bit of math to find the latitude.

Let's assume the distance from Jordan Valley to the North Pole is x. Our equation would be:
sin(43.15°) = 6400 km / (6400 km + x km)

We want to find the value of x when the equation is true. But don't worry, I've got your back! I'll do the calculations for you.

Using a bit of algebra, we find that x ≈ 3653 km. Now, we need to convert this value to miles, so divide 3653 km by 1.6, giving us approximately 2283 miles.

Now, we know that the distance between Spokane and the North Pole is approximately 2283 miles. If we subtract this distance from the distance between Spokane and Jordan Valley (486 miles), we get an estimated latitude for Spokane.

486 miles - 2283 miles = -1797 miles

So, according to our calculations, Spokane is at a latitude of -1797 miles! But wait, does that even make sense? I think we made a wrong turn somewhere...

I'm sorry, but it seems there might have been an error along the way. It's likely that neither of the options given (A. 47.50°N or B. 38.80°N) is the correct answer. Please double-check your calculations or consult a reliable source for accurate information on the latitude of Spokane, WA.

Remember, math can be a bit tricky sometimes, but it's always better to have a good laugh about it!

To find the latitude of Spokane, WA, given that it is 486 miles apart from Jordan Valley, OR, we can use the following steps:

1. Convert the distance between the two cities from miles to kilometers. Since 1 mile is approximately equal to 1.60934 kilometers, we have 486 miles * 1.60934 km/mile = 782.43 km.

2. Calculate the central angle (θ) between the two cities using the formula:
θ = (Distance / Earth's radius)

θ = (782.43 km) / (6400 km) = 0.1223 radians.

3. Find the latitude difference (Δφ) in degrees between the two cities using the formula:
Δφ = (θ * 180°) / π

Δφ = (0.1223 radians * 180°) / π = 7.0134°.

4. Subtract the latitude difference from the latitude of Jordan Valley, which is 43.15°N:
Latitude of Spokane, WA = 43.15°N - 7.0134° = 36.1366°N.

Therefore, the latitude of Spokane, WA is approximately 36.1366°N. None of the options provided (A. 47.50°N or B. 38.80°N) matches this calculated value.

To find the latitude of Spokane, WA, given the distance between Spokane and Jordan Valley, OR, we can use the properties of a circle and the concept of radius.

First, convert the distance between the two cities from miles to kilometers. Since 1 mile is approximately 1.609 kilometers, the distance will be 486 miles * 1.609 kilometers/mile = 782.574 kilometers.

Next, calculate the angle that represents the displacement between the two cities. We know that a full circle is 360 degrees, and the circumference of the Earth is the same as the distance between the two cities. Thus, the angle can be calculated by dividing the distance between the two cities by the circumference of the Earth and multiplying by 360 degrees.

Angle = (Distance between the two cities / Earth's circumference) * 360 degrees

The Earth's circumference can be calculated using the formula: Circumference = 2 * π * Radius

Radius = 6400 km

Circumference = 2 * π * 6400 km

Now, use this formula to find the angle:

Angle = (782.574 km / (2 * π * 6400 km)) * 360 degrees

After calculating the value of the angle, subtract it from the known latitude of Jordan Valley, OR (43.15 degreesN) to find the latitude of Spokane, WA.

Let's go ahead and calculate it:

Angle = (782.574 km / (2 * π * 6400 km)) * 360 degrees
Angle ≈ 0.061373

Latitude of Spokane, WA = 43.15 degreesN - 0.061373 ≈ 43.09 degreesN

Therefore, the latitude of Spokane, WA is approximately 43.09 degreesN.

So, neither option A (47.50 degreesN) nor option B (38.80 degreesN) is correct.