what were the most significant tecchnological innovations of the medieval period?

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the period about 800-1500, covers quite a lot of developement. You might also like to think about what was happening in other parts of the world at this time.

There is a time line here:

For me the most significant technological advance was the developement of printing. At the start of the period 1086 the Domesday book was handwritten. At the end Caxton was printing books.

what major problem in america did the progressives ignore?

The medieval period, also known as the Middle Ages, spanned approximately from the 5th to the 15th century. Despite popular belief that this was a time of limited technological advancements, several important innovations emerged during this period. Here are a few significant technological innovations of the medieval period:

1. The Printing Press: In the 15th century, Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press, which revolutionized the production of books by allowing for mass printing. This breakthrough not only made books more accessible but also played a crucial role in the dissemination of knowledge and the spread of ideas.

To learn more about the printing press, you can start by researching Johannes Gutenberg and his contributions to printing technology. There are many resources available, including books, online articles, and even videos that explain the invention and its impact on society.

2. Mechanical Clocks: During the medieval period, mechanical clocks began to appear. These early timekeeping devices played a significant role in various aspects of medieval life, such as coordinating communal activities, determining prayer times, and aiding navigation at sea. They relied on various mechanisms like gears and weights to measure the passage of time.

To delve deeper into the topic of mechanical clocks, you can explore the development of clocks during the Middle Ages, notable inventors or clockmakers, and the mechanisms behind these early timekeeping devices. There are historical records and scholarly articles available that offer detailed insights into this subject.

3. Eyeglasses: The invention of eyeglasses brought significant advancements to the field of optics and visual correction. Though the exact origins of eyeglasses are debated, they became increasingly popular during the medieval period, aiding individuals with poor eyesight.

To understand the history of eyeglasses, you can research the evolution of vision correction devices, the materials used in early eyeglasses, and notable contributors to the development of this invention. Historical texts, scientific articles, and museum exhibits dedicated to eyeglasses can provide valuable information.

Remember, researching these topics will provide you with more in-depth and accurate information. Libraries, academic databases, and reputable online sources are great places to start your investigation. Also, don't hesitate to consult with your teacher or subject matter experts who can offer guidance and share additional resources to further your understanding. With perseverance and proper research, you'll be able to grasp the significant technological innovations of the medieval period.