A polar substance is most soluble in ... ?

A non-polar substance is most soluble in ... ?
A generalized statement summarizing the effect of bond polarity on the solbility of a substance in a solvent is ... ?

A polar substance is most soluble in water

A non-polar substance is most soluble in lipids

Ignore Don's answer. Sra's answer is ok.

A polar substance is more soluble in a polar solvent.
A non-polar substance is more soluble in a non-polar solvent.
A generalized statement is, "Like dissolves like."

To determine the solubility of a substance in a solvent based on its polarity, we need to understand the principles of "like dissolves like".

1. A polar substance is most soluble in a polar solvent: Polar substances have molecules with an uneven distribution of charge, such as a positive and negative end. Examples of polar substances include water (H2O) and alcohols. These substances form favorable interactions with other polar substances by forming hydrogen bonds or dipole-dipole attractions. Hence, a polar substance is most soluble in a polar solvent.

2. A non-polar substance is most soluble in a non-polar solvent: Non-polar substances have molecules with an even distribution of charge, resulting in no positive or negative ends. Examples of non-polar substances include hydrocarbons like oil or fats. These substances form favorable interactions with other non-polar substances through weak van der Waals forces. Therefore, a non-polar substance is most soluble in a non-polar solvent.

3. Generalized statement summarizing the effect of bond polarity on solubility: The solubility of a substance in a solvent is primarily determined by the similarity in polarity between the solute and solvent. Polar substances dissolve best in polar solvents, while non-polar substances dissolve best in non-polar solvents. This is because polar or non-polar solutes tend to interact more favorably with solvents of a similar polarity, leading to greater solubility.