how do you draw a circle with the points of A,B,and D that lies on the point of tangency C

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I am not certain where the points A,B,and D are.

how do you draw a circle with the points of A,B,and D that lies on the point of tangency C

if A,B,and D lie on the point of tangency C, then A,B,D, and C are the same point. It makes little sense to me.

the corresponding sides of similar polygons are?

To draw a circle with points A, B, and D that lies on the point of tangency C, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a line segment that connects points A and B.
2. Bisect this line segment by drawing a perpendicular line from its midpoint. Let's call the point where this perpendicular line intersects the line segment as point E. This will ensure that point C lies on the perpendicular bisector of segment AB.
3. Now, draw another line segment from point E to point D. This line segment should be perpendicular to segment AB.
4. Locate the midpoint of line segment ED and mark it as point C. This will ensure that point C lies on the line segment ED.
5. Use a compass and set the distance between points C and A (or C and B) as the radius. Place the compass at point C and draw an arc that intersects with point A (or B). Repeat this step to draw an arc that intersects with the other point (A or B).
6. The intersection of the two arcs will be the point of tangency C.
7. Finally, connect the points A, B, and D to form the triangle and draw a smooth curve connecting the points A, B, and D to form the circle that passes through point C.

Remember, when drawing a circle, it is essential to use a compass to ensure accuracy and maintain a consistent radius.