A set of input values is sometimes referred to as the replacement set for the independent variables. Evaluate each function for the given replacement set.



It looks to me like they just want you to calculate a given function f(x) at set of x values. You will end up with a set of f(x) values. Then they want you do it again for a different set of independent valiables with a different


For example, if f(x) = 3x -6 and x = 2, then f(x) = 0

If f(x) = x(1-2x) and x = 1, then f(x) = -1

In my opinion, someone is trying to make algebra more confusing than it really is, by talking about "replacement sets". Fads like this come and go.

A set of input values is sometimes referred to as the replacement set for the independent variables. Evaluate each function for the given replacement set.


i agree and drwls is right.and person is right they teach us and show is harder and confussing than is.

All of that complicated talk means:

Use each of those numbers for x

To evaluate each function for the given replacement set, you need to substitute the input values from the replacement set into the given functions and compute the corresponding outputs.

For f(x)=3x-6;{-3.5,-1,1/4,2,11}:
1. Substitute -3.5 into the function: f(-3.5) = 3(-3.5) - 6 = -10.5 - 6 = -16.5.
2. Substitute -1 into the function: f(-1) = 3(-1) - 6 = -3 - 6 = -9.
3. Substitute 1/4 into the function: f(1/4) = 3(1/4) - 6 = 3/4 - 6 = -5.25.
4. Substitute 2 into the function: f(2) = 3(2) - 6 = 6 - 6 = 0.
5. Substitute 11 into the function: f(11) = 3(11) - 6 = 33 - 6 = 27.

The outputs for the given replacement set are {-16.5, -9, -5.25, 0, 27}.

For f(x)=x(1-2x);{-8,2/3,1,9,4}:
1. Substitute -8 into the function: f(-8) = -8(1 - 2(-8)) = -8(1 + 16) = -8(17) = -136.
2. Substitute 2/3 into the function: f(2/3) = (2/3)(1 - 2(2/3)) = (2/3)(1 - 4/3) = (2/3)(-1/3) = -2/9.
3. Substitute 1 into the function: f(1) = 1(1 - 2(1)) = 1(1 - 2) = 1(-1) = -1.
4. Substitute 9 into the function: f(9) = 9(1 - 2(9)) = 9(1 - 18) = 9(-17) = -153.
5. Substitute 4 into the function: f(4) = 4(1 - 2(4)) = 4(1 - 8) = 4(-7) = -28.

The outputs for the given replacement set are {-136, -2/9, -1, -153, -28}.