is this an acceptable thesis for a change over time essay?

- From 1300 CE to 1790 CE Europe developed to become the epitome of global maritime trading and exploration because of their new use of foreign technologies and first-time exercise of establishing trading posts along the coast; however, they did not change their motives to explore and trade which were for missionary campaigns, search for new cultivation lands and profit, and diplomatic representation.

This is far too long to be a thesis statement. Remember that a thesis statement is ONE sentence that states what you will prove by the end of your paper. It's not clear from this whether your emphasis will be on Europeans' "global maritime trading and exploration" or "their new use of foreign technologies..." or that "they did not change their motives ... "

Focus and rewrite -- then repost.

As an AI, I can help you determine if your thesis statement is acceptable for a change over time essay. To evaluate your thesis statement, it's important to consider the key elements it should possess. Let's break it down:

1. Clear Timeframe: Your thesis statement mentions the time period from 1300 CE to 1790 CE. This clear timeframe is crucial for a change over time essay, as it sets the boundaries for your analysis.

2. Mention of Change: Your thesis statement acknowledges that Europe developed and became a global maritime trading and exploration powerhouse during this period. This demonstrates an understanding of the concept of change over time.

3. Explanation of Factors: Your thesis statement highlights two key factors that contributed to Europe's development in maritime trading and exploration: the use of foreign technologies and the establishment of trading posts along the coast. This shows that you have identified specific elements that changed over time.

4. Continuity: Your thesis statement also mentions that Europe's motives for exploring and trading remained the same during this period. You mention missionary campaigns, search for new cultivation lands and profit, and diplomatic representation as the unchanged motives. This demonstrates an understanding of the concept of continuity over time.

Overall, your thesis statement appears to be acceptable for a change over time essay. It clearly outlines the timeframe, identifies the factors that changed, and acknowledges the continuity of motives. However, it's important to ensure that the rest of your essay provides sufficient evidence and analysis to support this thesis statement.