
Where can I find more information about Aaron the moor in "Titus Andronicus" by Shakespeare?

Prompt: As Tamara's star rises, so does Aaron's influences. How does he use it? What are his stated motives and confessed motives? Why can Aaron not act otherwise/how has society forced him into his role?

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To find more information about Aaron the Moor in Shakespeare's "Titus Andronicus," you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search using search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing. Enter keywords such as "Aaron the Moor in Titus Andronicus" or "analysis of Aaron's character in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus." This will help you find relevant websites and articles.

2. Look for reliable sources that provide analysis or critical interpretations of the play. Academic articles, literary journals, and reputable educational websites would be good places to start. Websites like SparkNotes, Shmoop, and eNotes often have a section dedicated to analyzing characters, including Aaron.

3. Visit your local library or university library and consult literary reference books. Look for annotated editions of "Titus Andronicus" that provide detailed character analysis, or resource books specifically on Shakespearean characters.

4. Explore literary criticism books and scholarly journals, which discuss the play extensively. These sources can provide in-depth analysis of Aaron's character, motives, and societal context. JSTOR and Project MUSE are reliable online databases that offer access to academic journals and articles.

As for your question about Aaron's motives and the role society plays in his actions, here is a brief analysis:

Aaron the Moor is a complex and intriguing character in "Titus Andronicus." As Tamara's lover and the father of her illegitimate child, Aaron uses his growing influence to further his own agenda. He is motivated by revenge, power, and a desire to enact chaos and destruction.

While Aaron's stated motives may vary depending on the interpretation, his confessed motives reveal a deep-seated resentment toward society and the marginalization he has experienced as a Moor. According to Aaron, he cannot act otherwise because society has forced him into the role of an outcast. This suggests that his actions are a response to societal prejudices and a way to subvert the power structures that oppress him.

Aaron's use of his influence is primarily seen through manipulation and skillful strategizing. He takes advantage of the chaotic events in the play to ensure his own survival and that of his child. His actions include orchestrating murders, spreading lies, and manipulating others to serve his interests.

Overall, Aaron's character in "Titus Andronicus" serves as a catalyst for the play's themes of revenge, power, and the consequences of societal marginalization. By exploring various sources and interpretations, you can gain deeper insights into his motives and the role he plays in the larger narrative of the play.