All of these are different problems. Please help me. IF you only know one answer to just one problem, that is totally welcome as well. THank you.

5 > |x | + 1


a2 + 4a + 21

by the way

thats 2a^2 squared
and a^2 squared. Thanks.

Your last two mathematical expressions are not equations, so there is nothing to solve.

Did you mean to write
a^2 + 4a = 21
for the last problem? If so, use the fact that
a^2 + 4a -21 = (a + 7)(a - 3)

Perhaps you also meant to write
2a^2 = 32
If so, divide both sides of the equation by 2 and take the square roots of both sides.

The problem
5 > |x| + 1
can be rewritten
4 > |x|

which requires that -4 < x < 4

yeS I did mean to write it the way you put it. Thank you.

For the second problem,

if I do this



a=sqrt 16 or +or- 4

Wait actually I meant to put

a^2+4a+21 would the answer be

a+7 a+3?

Also, if someone is still avalibe the problem is asking me to factor


2(a^2-16) but a^2-16 is the difference of two squares so

2 (a-4) (a+4)