This is a fraction I think

16/(-2)x 4 OVER 2^3 +4

I am really lost

16/(-2)x 4 OVER 2^3 +4 =

(16)/-8/(8+4) =
(16)/-8/12 =
(16/-8) x (1/12) =
-2 x (1/12)=
Check my work.

Debbie, you need to be careful with grouping symbols.

DrBob read the problem one way, but I read it another.

(16/(-2)) + 4)/ (2^3 + 4)

which leads to an entirely different answer. Without grouping symbols, it is impossible to know.

there are () around the (-2) then X (-4) on the first line

no () on the second line at all
Does that help

Yes. Do it with my interpretation. YOu need to add grouping to explain it here.

What you have is a fraction, with numerator and denominator as I guessed them.

I still have no idea of what I am doing with it. Can you help

To simplify the given expression:

1. Start by simplifying the numerator:

16/(-2) x 4 = -8 x 4
= -32

2. Next, simplify the denominator:

2^3 + 4 = 2 x 2 x 2 + 4
= 8 + 4
= 12

3. Now, we have the fraction -32/12.

To simplify this fraction:
1. Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator:

The GCD of 32 and 12 is 4.

2. Divide both the numerator and the denominator by their GCD:

-32 ÷ 4 / 12 ÷ 4
= -8 / 3

So, the simplified fraction is -8/3.