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Which reading learning strategies is it when the task says: Read the text and complete each text with the words above each text
Is it a learning strategie:using linguistic or other clues or placing new words into context or something else?

There may be another name for it, but I used to call these "cloze" exercises:

Main Entry: cloze
Pronunciation: 'klOz
Function: adjective
Etymology: by shortening & alteration from closure
Date: 1953
: of, relating to, or being a test of reading comprehension that involves having the person being tested supply words which have been systematically deleted from a text


thank you.Need also one example of a task which involves reading strategie:

1.using linguistic or other clues
2.placing new words into context

If you don't know the meaning of the word "sanguiine," could you guess it from the use of the word in the sentence below? That's context.

She is quite sanguine about her future with her degree in computer arts and science, especially in light of what is happening in companies such as Pixar.

Sorry -- typo!! It should be "sanguine" without the extra "i" in there!

When the task asks you to read a text and complete each text with the words above, it is actually a combination of different reading learning strategies. Let me break it down for you:

1. Using linguistic or other clues: This strategy involves paying attention to the words and phrases used in the text to gather information and find the appropriate answers. When completing the text with the words above, you can look for clues in the surrounding sentences or paragraphs that give hints about the missing words.

2. Placing new words into context: This strategy requires you to understand the context of the text and use your knowledge of the topic to predict what words might fit in the given spaces. By analyzing the context, you can make educated guesses about the missing words based on the overall meaning of the text.

3. Applying vocabulary knowledge: Another aspect of this task involves utilizing your existing vocabulary knowledge. If you encounter familiar words in the text, you can rely on your understanding of their meaning and usage to determine which words should be placed in the provided spaces.

Overall, the reading learning strategies involved in this task include using linguistic or other clues, placing new words into context, and applying vocabulary knowledge. By combining these strategies, you can effectively complete the text by selecting the appropriate words that fit the given spaces.