SMC Company manufactures ergonomic office equipment. SMC is located in a small Midwestern town of 30,000 people with a current unemployment rate of 2.2%. The owner is committed to keeping the organization local. Several local companies have experienced recent labor organizing activities. The racial demographic makeup of SMC is 90% white, while the local labor market population is approximately 40% minority. The CEO and five directors are white males. The only female supervisor works in the customer service department. SMC employs 100 employees currently, but due to increased demand, output needs to be increased by 100%. All of the employees in manufacturing, customer service, and operations have a minimum of a high school education or GED

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To increase output by 100%, SMC Company needs to hire additional employees. However, before proceeding with the hiring process, the company should consider the various factors mentioned in the description:

1. Labor organizing activities: It is important for SMC to pay attention to the recent labor organizing activities in the local area. This suggests a potential interest among workers in unionizing. The company should be prepared to address any potential labor concerns and ensure fair treatment and appropriate labor practices.

2. Racial demographic makeup: SMC's workforce is predominantly white, while the local labor market population consists of a significant minority population. To promote diversity and inclusivity, SMC should strive to reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the local labor market in its hiring practices. This can help create a more equitable and representative work environment.

3. Gender representation: SMC's top leadership positions are predominantly held by white males, and only one female supervisor is mentioned in the customer service department. SMC should consider implementing strategies to increase gender diversity at all levels of the organization, including leadership roles. This can be achieved through targeted recruitment efforts, mentoring programs, and creating opportunities for professional growth and advancement for women within the company.

4. Education requirements: The description states that employees in manufacturing, customer service, and operations have a minimum of a high school education or GED. When hiring new employees to meet increased demand, SMC should consider whether the current educational requirements are necessary or if they can be adjusted to attract a broader pool of candidates. This may help diversify the skill sets and backgrounds of the company's workforce.

To initiate the hiring process, SMC can follow these steps:

1. Determine the additional positions needed: Assess the specific roles and skills required to meet the increased demand. Identify the areas where additional employees are needed, such as manufacturing, customer service, and operations.

2. Job posting and recruitment: Advertise the job openings using various platforms, including online job boards, local newspapers, social media, and community organizations. Make sure the job posting includes details about the job requirements, skills, and qualifications necessary for the positions.

3. Application screening: Review the received applications and resumes to shortlist candidates who meet the basic qualifications and requirements specified in the job posting. Pay attention to diversity and inclusivity during the screening process to ensure a fair selection.

4. Interview and selection: Conduct interviews with the shortlisted candidates to assess their skills, qualifications, and fit for the company culture. Use a structured interview process and consider utilizing diverse interview panels to mitigate any unconscious biases.

5. Offer and onboarding: Once the candidates have been selected, extend formal job offers to the selected individuals. Provide them with details about the compensation package, benefits, and any relevant employment terms. Develop an onboarding process to help new employees integrate smoothly into their roles and the company culture.

Throughout the process, it is crucial for SMC Company to prioritize fairness, diversity, and inclusivity. By considering these factors and taking intentional steps to create an inclusive workforce, SMC can work towards achieving its goal of increasing output while maintaining its commitment to the local community.