SMC Company manufactures ergonomic office equipment. SMC is located in a small Midwestern town of 30,000 people with a current unemployment rate of 2.2%. The owner is committed to keeping the organization local. Several local companies have experienced recent labor organizing activities. The racial demographic makeup of SMC is 90% white, while the local labor market population is approximately 40% minority. The CEO and five directors are white males. The only female supervisor works in the customer service department. SMC employs 100 employees currently, but due to increased demand, output needs to be increased by 100%. All of the employees in manufacturing, customer service, and operations have a minimum of a high school education or GED

You have provided a description of the existing employment and demographic situation, but have not asked a question. You probaby do not have to double the number of employees to double the output. The company needs to look for ways to improve productivity, not just hire more people.

Based on the information provided, it appears that SMC Company is facing a situation where they need to increase their output due to increased demand for their products. They currently have 100 employees, but they are not able to meet the increased demand with their current workforce.

To increase their output by 100%, SMC Company will need to hire additional employees. However, before proceeding with the hiring process, it would be important for SMC to consider certain factors and address certain issues present within the organization.

1. Labor organizing activities: SMC should be aware of the recent labor organizing activities happening in the local companies. This indicates that employees in the area may have concerns about their working conditions, wages, benefits, or other labor-related issues. It is crucial for SMC to create a positive work environment that addresses these concerns, to avoid any potential disruption from labor organizing.

2. Racial demographic makeup: The racial demographic makeup of SMC, with 90% white employees while the local labor market population is approximately 40% minority, raises concerns about equality and diversity within the company. It is important for SMC to ensure equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of race or ethnicity, in their hiring and promotion processes.

3. Lack of diversity in leadership: The fact that the CEO and all five directors are white males, with the only female supervisor working in customer service, suggests a lack of gender diversity and potential lack of diverse perspectives in decision-making positions. SMC should consider promoting diversity and inclusion initiatives within their organization and strive to have balanced representation at all levels of management.

4. Educational requirements: It is mentioned that employees in manufacturing, customer service, and operations have a minimum of a high school education or GED. This implies that SMC might need to consider recruiting individuals with the required skills and education to fulfill the increased demand for their products.

To get started on increasing their workforce and addressing the mentioned issues, SMC could follow these steps:

1. Assess the hiring needs: Evaluate the specific roles and skills needed to meet the increased demand for their products. Determine the number of employees needed in manufacturing, customer service, and operations.

2. Job postings and recruitment: Advertise job openings on various platforms, including local newspapers, online job portals, and community job boards. Ensure that job descriptions and requirements are unbiased and inclusive, focusing on necessary skills and qualifications rather than specific demographics.

3. Diverse recruitment and equal opportunities: Implement strategies to attract a diverse pool of candidates, including reaching out to local minority community organizations, partnering with educational institutions, and promoting equal opportunities during the recruitment process. This may involve conducting blind resume screenings, diverse interview panels, and unconscious bias training for hiring managers.

4. Internal promotions and leadership development: SMC should consider identifying potential internal candidates for leadership positions and offering training programs to develop their skills and ensure equal opportunities for growth within the company.

5. Creating an inclusive work environment: Once new employees are hired, it is crucial to create an inclusive work environment where diversity is celebrated and everyone feels valued and respected. This can be achieved by promoting diversity initiatives, providing diversity training for employees, and fostering open communication channels.

By following these steps, SMC can not only increase their output to meet the growing demand but also address the mentioned issues related to labor organizing activities, diversity, and equality within the company.