Do you know a website that helps you with mind-benders?

They are the puzzles where you put the Os where it's correct and Xs where it's not correct.

I didn't find a website that offers clues for solving mind-benders. But careful reading and practice helps. Check out some of these sites, especially the third site with the 10-question quiz.

Where are the sites?

Ohh -- logic problems.

Try these sites.

This was the original site I meant to post.


Yes, there are several websites that can help you with mind-benders and puzzles. One popular website is called Braingle. On Braingle, you can find a wide variety of mind-bending puzzles, riddles, and brain teasers.

To access Braingle, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your web browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari).
2. In the address bar, type "" and press Enter.
3. Once the Braingle homepage loads, you will see a navigation menu at the top of the page.
4. You can explore different categories of puzzles by clicking on the "Puzzles" tab in the navigation menu.
5. From there, you can choose the type of mind-bender you are interested in, such as logic puzzles, lateral thinking puzzles, word puzzles, and many more.

Braingle also offers a community section where you can interact with other users, discuss solutions, and even create your own puzzles to challenge others. Feel free to explore the website and find the mind-benders that suit your preferences and skill level.