Where did Hector Berlioz study music?

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To find out where Hector Berlioz studied music, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your preferred web browser.
2. Go to a search engine such as Google.
3. Enter the search query "Hector Berlioz music education" or a similar query.
4. Look for reliable sources like reputable music websites, biographies, or academic resources.
5. Click on the relevant search results that provide information about Berlioz's education.
6. Scan through the search results or read the articles to find the information you are looking for.
7. The sources should provide details about the institutions or schools where Berlioz studied music.

Based on the information available, Hector Berlioz studied music at the Paris Conservatoire. He entered the conservatory in 1826, where he studied composition with Jean-François Lesueur. Berlioz's time at the conservatory greatly influenced his musical style and later contributed to his success as a composer.