convert the number to scientific notation.


You move decimal place after first significant figure and number of places you move does become your exponent but when you move right, exponent is negative and when you move left exponent is positive. Since in this case we are moving decimal to right by 10 places the exponent will be -10. Hence scientific notation would be 9.0*10^-10

is this correct?


seems right

gr has it right

9 * 10^-10

Thanks to both of you for correcting my blatant typing error.

Perhaps I shouldn't attempt to answer questions at 1:30 A.M. anymore, lol

To convert a number to scientific notation, you follow these steps:

1. Start by counting the number of decimal places between the first non-zero digit and the decimal point. In this case, the first non-zero digit is 9, and there are 10 zeros after it before the decimal point. Counting these zeros, we find that there are 10 decimal places.

2. Write the non-zero digit and put a decimal point after it. In this case, we write 9. as the start of our scientific notation.

3. Write the remaining digits (if any) after the decimal point. Since we have no remaining digits after the decimal point, we move on to the next step.

4. Write "x 10^" followed by the number of decimal places counted in step 1. In this case, we write "x 10^-10" since there were 10 decimal places.

Combining all these steps for our number 0.0000000009, we get:
0.0000000009 = 9. x 10^-10

So, the number in scientific notation is 9 x 10^-10.


In scientific notation, the decimal place is always after the first significant figure, in this case the 9

count the number of places you would have to move the decimal, that becomes your exponent of 10

so 9.0 x 10^10