1.alexander hamiltons domestic and foreign policies were directed primarily toward strengthening the federal government by...

a. favoring free trade
b. substituting a parlimentary for federal system of government
c. averting u.s entanglement in Europes war
d. favoring the interests of the propertied and monied classes.
e. establishing gold as the sole backing of u.s currency

is it d?

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To determine the correct option among the given choices (a, b, c, d, e), we need to analyze Alexander Hamilton's domestic and foreign policies. Hamilton was a prominent advocate for a strong federal government and played a crucial role in shaping early U.S. policies.

Option a, favoring free trade, does align with some of Hamilton's economic views. However, it is not the primary focus of his policies.

Option b, substituting a parliamentary for a federal system of government, is not a policy supported by Hamilton. He believed in and actively worked towards strengthening the federal government, not changing the system of governance.

Option c, averting U.S. entanglement in Europe's war, does not accurately reflect Hamilton's policies. During the early years of the United States, the nation was not yet involved in significant global conflicts.

Option d, favoring the interests of the propertied and monied classes, accurately describes Hamilton's domestic policies. He believed in a strong central government that protected the interests of the wealthy and supported economic development.

Option e, establishing gold as the sole backing of the U.S. currency, is not directly related to Hamilton's policies. Although Hamilton did advocate for a stable national currency, he did not advocate for a specific backing like gold.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is indeed option d, favoring the interests of the propertied and monied classes.