If you are not currently aware of something, but you can make it conscious by focusing on it, you may assume that information resides in the

A. unconscious mind
B. preconscious mind
C. conscious mind
D. subconscious mind.

i believe the true answer is B.

If you go through a period of serious soul searching, Erik Erikson would say you are
A. engaged in an identity crisis
B. lacking love
C. searching for the self in others
D. developing a mental disorder.

I believe the right answer is A

As a student of Erikson, you realize that you can search for independence is a challenge of
A. mistrust versus trust
B. autonomy verses shame and doubt.
C. initiative versus guilt
D. industry versus inferiority

i believe the right answer is A

I agree with your answers. :-)

Thank you Ms.Sue. Can i ask you some more questions so i can make sure i have correct?

Sure -- but I won't guarantee that I'll know or can find the answers.

Baby Louisa is able to interact with her environment in ways that allow her to adjust her behavior accordingly. For Piagiet, Louisa is manifesting


i believe is A but my mother thinks is B. Whose answer is correct?

In terms of development, Piaget believed that
A. child development is haphazard, random, and based on experience.
B. cognitive development proceeds by stages that are universal across cultures
C. children learn in different sequences based on their environment
D. perception and sensation aere directly linked and, therefore, inseparable.

i believe the right is C.

Baby Louisa -- This is a tough one. As the site below states:

"Assimilation and accommodation are the two sides of adaptation, Piaget’s term for what most of us would call learning."


Since adaptation is the overall term for the baby's behavior, A must be right. (Sorry, Mom.)

For the second question, please check your text, because I believe the answer is B.

In terms of your third question, autonomy is related to independence rather than trust.

The last question on Piaget should be B.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

Baby Louisa is able to interact with her environment in ways that allow her to adjust her behavior accordingly. For Piagiet, Louisa is manifesting


i believe is A but my mother thinks is B. Whose answer is correct?

The answer is A.