Indicate factors influencing health status and contact with health services?

according to what I have read I have came up with the answer: Cross reference codes. Not sure if that is the correct answer

Factors influencing health status include culture, income, and previous health care experiences.

Cross reference codes have nothing to do with your question.

Please help. I need the answers to some medical coding

v codes

No, cross reference codes do not pertain to factors influencing health status and contact with health services. To properly answer your question, here are the factors that influence health status and contact with health services:

1. Socioeconomic factors: These include income, education level, occupation, and access to resources. People with higher socioeconomic status tend to have better health outcomes and greater access to health services.

2. Cultural factors: Cultural beliefs and practices can influence health behaviors and attitudes towards health services. For example, some cultures may have specific preferences for certain types of healthcare or traditional medicine practices.

3. Demographic factors: Age, gender, and race/ethnicity can impact health status and health service utilization. Different age groups, genders, and racial/ethnic groups may have varying health needs and preferences for healthcare.

4. Health behavior factors: Lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, tobacco and alcohol use, and sexual practices can impact health status. Individual behaviors and choices play a significant role in overall health and can determine the need for health services.

5. Physical environment factors: Access to clean water, sanitation, housing, and transportation can all affect health status and the ability to access health services. The physical environment can either support or hinder individuals in maintaining good health and accessing necessary healthcare.

6. Social support factors: The presence of supportive relationships, family and community networks, and social cohesion can positively influence health status and facilitate contact with health services. Social support can provide emotional, practical, and informational assistance in managing health issues.

It's important to note that cross reference codes are typically used in medical coding and billing to link diagnoses with procedures or services provided. They are not directly related to the factors influencing health status or contact with health services.