what does "new moon" have to do with the book new moon

I haven't read that book, but the term "new moon" often refers to a new beginning or a new start in life.

i absolutly love twilight and all the other books in the saga, and new moon has to do with like all of the stuff that bella has learned about edward and the volutri.

In the book "New Moon," the term "new moon" refers to the phase of the moon when it is not visible from the Earth. The book is the second installment in the Twilight series, written by Stephenie Meyer, which focuses on the supernatural romance between a teenage girl named Bella Swan and a vampire named Edward Cullen.

To understand the relevance of the title "New Moon" to the story, you need to consider the symbolic meaning behind it. In astrology and various mythologies, the new moon phase represents new beginnings, growth, and change. In the context of the Twilight series, the title "New Moon" signifies Bella's personal transformation and the changes she undergoes as the story unfolds.

To fully comprehend the connection between the book's content and the title, it is essential to read the novel and explore the events and character development that take place. By doing so, you will gain a deeper insight into how the concept of the "new moon" is woven into the narrative of "New Moon."