brother:mother fly:?

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To determine the word that completes the analogy, we need to understand the relationship between the words in the given pair: brother and mother. In this case, we can see that brother is a male sibling, and mother is a female parent. Specifically, brother is a specific role or relationship within the context of family.

Now, let's apply the same reasoning to the pair fly:? To find the word that completes the analogy, we need to determine what role or relationship the word "fly" represents. Fly is an action or verb, but in this analogy, we are looking for a word that corresponds to a role or relationship.

To make sense of this analogy, we can consider the role or relationship associated with the word "fly." In this case, fly refers to the action of flying. Therefore, we are looking for a word that represents a role or relationship connected to flying.

One possible word that fits this analogy is "pilot." A pilot is someone who flies or operates an aircraft. Just as a brother is a specific role within the family dynamic and a mother is a specific role within the parent-child relationship, a pilot is a specific role associated with flying.

So, the answer to the analogy is "pilot."