At the beginning of "Young Goodman Brown," Brown's wife says, "Pray tarry with me this night, dear husband, of all nights in the year" (1). This statement is an example of

In Twain's "The Private History of a Campaign that Failed," Smith, the blacksmith's apprentice, is given "ultimate credit" for

What are your choices? Have you gone through the process of elimination -- X'ing out what the answer cannot be?


Sounds like seduction.

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direct characterization.

In order to determine what literary device or technique is being used in a particular quote or statement, one must analyze the context and the purpose of the words. In this case, Brown's wife is asking him to stay with her on a specific night, emphasizing its importance. By directly stating her request and the significance of the night, she is providing explicit information about the situation. This falls under the category of direct characterization.

Direct characterization involves the author explicitly stating traits, qualities, or information about a character or situation through direct statements or descriptions. It is a straightforward way of conveying information to the readers. In the given quote, Brown's wife is directly expressing her desire for him to stay with her on a particular night, without any hidden meaning or symbolism.