Compare the population per square mile in Asia to the population per square mile in North America for the year 2000.

North America :
land area 9,400 (1,000 mi squared)
population 305,000,000
Do I divide 305,000,000 by 9,400,000?
and do the same for Asia?

Yes. You should get about 32 people per square mile in North America.

Do the same for Asia.

Do I divide 305,000,000 by 9,400,000?

and do the same for Asia?

Yes, this OK.

I assume that the land area for Asia is in the same units? If the figure for Asia is not in the same units (square miles) you will need to convert them.

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To compare the population per square mile in Asia to the population per square mile in North America for the year 2000, you need to calculate the population density for each continent.

For North America:
1. Divide the land area by 1,000 to convert it to square miles (9,400,000 / 1,000 = 9,400 square miles).
2. Divide the population by the land area to get the population per square mile (305,000,000 / 9,400 = 32,446).

So, the population density in North America for the year 2000 was approximately 32,446 people per square mile.

Now, let's do the same calculations for Asia. However, I want to clarify that Asia is a vast continent with varying population densities across different regions. So, we will provide a general calculation based on the overall population and land area of Asia.

For Asia:
1. Find the land area of Asia in the year 2000. Unfortunately, you haven't provided specific data for Asia's land area in your question.
2. Divide the population of Asia by its land area to get the population density. However, since we don't have the land area value, we cannot determine the exact population density for Asia.

To accurately compare the population per square mile in Asia and North America for the year 2000, we will need the land area information for both continents. However, based on the calculations provided for North America, you could compare the estimated population density if you have the corresponding land area value for Asia.