Hi, Is it possible to have a

recombination frequency greater
than 50%?

the answer would be yes as they would assort indepnedyt? correct?

No. The maximum recombination frequency is 50 percent, indicating independent assortment. Anytime the independence is changed, as in linking, or crossing over, the recombination frequency is reduced.

Thanks bob! That really helped! Could you be so kind as to help me out with how to approach this one as well.

In a mating of Hfr pro+ trp+ ala+ tet-s x F- pro- trp- ala- gly+ tet-r, cells are
interrupted after several minutes and plated on the media containing various amino
acids shown below. The tet marker is known to be transferred very late. Based on the
number of colonies, what is the order of gene transfer? 2 PTS
Amino acid free media with the following amino acids added # of colonies
proline + alanine 290 colonies
tryptophan + proline 120 colonies
tryptophan + alanine 45 colonies
Ans: The gene order is trp-ala-pro.


Yes, it is possible to have a recombination frequency greater than 50%. Recombination frequency is a measure of the distance between two genes on a chromosome, and it represents the likelihood of those genes being separated during the process of reproduction.

When genes are located far apart on a chromosome, they have a higher chance of crossing over and being separated from each other during meiosis. This results in a higher recombination frequency between these genes.

If two genes assort independently, meaning that their inheritance is not influenced by each other, the maximum possible recombination frequency between these genes would be 50%. This is because during meiosis, the genes have an equal chance of being inherited together or separately.

However, if the genes do not assort independently, meaning their inheritance is somehow linked or influenced by each other, the recombination frequency can be greater than 50%. This can occur when genes are physically close together on a chromosome and are more likely to be inherited together.

So, in summary, while a recombination frequency greater than 50% is possible, it indicates that the genes are not assorting independently and are likely located close together on the same chromosome.