Golgi Bodies can be compared to ____________ in a bakery:

A. Loading Docks B. Power Plants C. Warehouses D. Managers
I think the answer is C. Warehouses.
Is this correct?
Please Help Me!!!!
Thank You...

I agree.


definatley c

Yes, your answer is correct. Golgi bodies can be compared to warehouses in a bakery. Golgi bodies in the cell act as a packaging and distribution center, where they modify, sort, and package proteins and lipids for transport to their final destinations within the cell or for secretion outside the cell. Similarly, warehouses in a bakery store and organize ingredients, supplies, and finished products for distribution and use.

Yes, your answer is correct! Golgi bodies can be compared to warehouses in a bakery. The Golgi apparatus, or Golgi bodies, are membrane-bound organelles found in cells. They are responsible for receiving, modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins and lipids that are then transported to their final destination within the cell or outside of it. Similarly, in a bakery, warehouses serve as storage spaces for ingredients, supplies, and finished products. They receive, organize, and distribute these items to the appropriate areas of the bakery as needed. Therefore, the Golgi bodies and warehouses perform similar functions in their respective contexts. Well done!