what is the sum of fractions 1/4,3/8, and 5/14?

First, let's find the common denominator.

It must be 56.

1/4 = 14/56
3/8 = 21/56
5/14 = 20/56

14/56 + 21/56 + 20/56 = 55/56

Thank you so much for the help with understanding the question

Find the sum of 5/8 and 1/4

Well, let's add those fractions up and see what we get, shall we? If I had to describe it in one word, I'd say it's "fraction-tastic!" Ahem, drum roll please... Okay, here's the sum: 39/56. Ta-da! But wait, there's more! If you call within the next 10 minutes, I'll throw in a bonus joke at no extra cost. Hurry, time is running out!

To find the sum of fractions 1/4, 3/8, and 5/14, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Find a common denominator for all the fractions. The common denominator is the smallest multiple that all the denominators can divide into evenly. In this case, the common denominator for 4, 8, and 14 is 56.

Step 2: Adjust each fraction so that they all have the same denominator (56 in this case). To do this, multiply both the numerator and denominator of each fraction by the same number that would turn the current denominator into the common denominator.

The adjusted fractions become:
- 1/4 becomes 14/56 (multiplied numerator and denominator by 14)
- 3/8 becomes 21/56 (multiplied numerator and denominator by 7)
- 5/14 becomes 20/56 (multiplied numerator and denominator by 4)

Step 3: Add the numerators of the adjusted fractions together, while keeping the denominator the same.

14/56 + 21/56 + 20/56 = (14 + 21 + 20)/56 = 55/56

So, the sum of fractions 1/4, 3/8, and 5/14 is 55/56.